Lakeside House, Fakenham Road, Hoe

Hoe and Worthing Parish Meeting has been notified that a planning application has been submitted to Breckland Council in respect of:-

REFERENCE:                3PL/2018/0445/HOU
PROPOSAL:                 Single-storey extension to existing garden room and
increased patio area with adjusted steps.

LOCATION:                 HOE: Lakeside House, Fakenham Road Hoe
APPLICANT:                Mr Stuart Barnes

The Parish Meeting are considering this application and in due course will compile a letter of response to Breckland Council which takes account of views expressed by Worthing/Hoe members of our planning committee and other parishioners, particularly those residing close to the application site.

If you wish to view and/or comment on this planning proposal directly to Breckland Council   Click here to view the application

Trevor Wood (Parish Meeting Chairman)
