Billingford Lakes

REFERENCE:             3PL/2016/0533/H

PROPOSAL:               Erection of visitor centre and change of use of land for                                              campsite, outdoor recreation & centre with associated                                     works and outline permission for 8 holiday lodges

LOCATION:                BILLINGFORD: AND SWANTON MORLEY Billingford Lakes                                      Elmham Road

APPLICANT:              Wensum Valley Hotel, Golf & Country Club

CASE OFFICER:        Simon Wood


The above application has been referred to the Planning Committee.

Please contact Mrs Kathryn Matthews/Mrs MandyCunnington on telephone number 01362 656870, or email if you wish to speak on the matter.

The meeting will be held on 8th May 2018 at Breckland Council, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, in the Committee Suite, commencing at 9.30.

Your request to speak should be provided by 16:00 hours on the Friday before the meeting.

Application details can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

 Click here to view the Application Details

Billingford Lakes Planning application responses
From Hoe and Worthing

(click on document titles below to read)

Response to initial planning application (2016)….……………………………      8 pages
Response to amended planning application (2017)…………………………..      5 pages
Verbal address to Breckland’s planning committee…………………………..      1 page

Further documents submitted by objectors’ representative (2018)

Archaeology of Billingford Lakes (Dr PeterWade- Martins:
archaeologist, author and local resident)……………………………………….    4 pages

Landscape and Visual Assessment (Broom Lynne: independent
landscape, planning and design consultancy)…………………………………     77 pages

Response to initial planning application (2016)
Response to amended planning application (2017)
Verbal address to Breckland’s planning committee
The Archaeology of Billingford Lakes FINAL