Parish Mtg Minutes: 28 April 2022

AGM Parish Meeting
Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 28th April 2022 Hoe and Worthing Parish Meeting
1. Attendance
James Keith (Chairman), Carl Watling, Glenys Watling, Susan Malt, Dick Malt, Philip Stroulger, K Stroulger, Beverly Kidd, Trevor Wood, Celia Daniel, Roger Atterwill, Jane Whitcher and Graham Lewis.
Apologies were received from Simon Brock, James & Sandra Sayer, Harry Whitcher, Mike & Sally Mullins, John & Jenny Tuckwell, Alan Hughes, Margaret Barrett and Victoria Keith. (Councillor Borrett sent apologies to JK as the meeting convened: was not noticed until later.)
The Chairman opened the meeting to welcome everyone back to a formal meeting after Covid. Welcomed Roger Atterwill from Breckland Council.
Minutes from Previous meeting 22nd June 2021 have been drafted and posted onto Parish Website.
Trevor Woods objected to the minutes being discussed as these were over a year old. Simply impossible to follow sequence of events, as so much time has elapsed. Trevor Woods expressed concern the “complaints procedure” he requested to be on the agenda was missing – JK replied that in light of experiences of previous meetings, this item had cleared the hall of parishioners before other matters could be discussed and completed. JK had promised he would make time available for their debate at the meeting. Trevor requested a special meeting to discuss this item – Celia Daniel has seconded.
EGM Date to be confirmed
James Keith notified the meeting that he intends to resign as Chairman at this meeting – and that he strongly advised Worthing to put a candidate forward to try and restore harmony in the 2 parishes and to stop Worthing feeling unwelcome. Roger Atterwill – Has kindly offered to Chair this EGM meeting for that one night in the absence of there not being a chairman.
It was proposed that an open letter is sent to all residents, to either attend the meetings or write in for items to be added to agenda.
2. Planning Update
JK reminded everyone that all planning applications can be found on the Breckland Website and are for public viewing.
Items in the last year. Worthing dwelling application – still undecided.
Barn Extension @ Hoe Lodge – Undecided – (subsequently refused by BDC before these minutes were written up)
Oaklands Bungalow on Gorgate Road applied for new house, which was felt would be an improvement as a replacement dwelling providing the bungalow was

demolished. Subsequently applied with new application in early 22 for the bungalow to remain. Parish objected along with others in neighbourhood, however Breckland Council have overruled and granted permission.
Trevor Woods – has stated that no planning matters have ever been provided at any other meetings, and therefore they have not had the chance to be able to look at the planning details to have an opinion on the permissions.
James Keith (chairman) stated that all planning has been discussed through the elected planning subcommittee and reported at meetings (also available for public viewing on the Breckland website.)
Trevor Woods insists that the sub committee should report to the Chairman then the Chair should report to the Parish meeting members. JK confirmed this was the normal process, and he was not able to notify every parish member individually for every planning application.
MOD – Have applied for planning to put up a 24m High Radar dome at Swanton Morley Airfield.
Chairman informed that the papers attached to this application ran to many pages and the best way to see this application was on BDC planning website. JK encouraged all members to have a look at the plans and have their say on the plans. (This item is also on Swanton Morley Parish agenda.)
Flooding Update in Worthing: Chairman has discussed and met onsite with various bodies on several occasions: Environmental Agency (EA), Norfolk Rivers and Landowners. Landowner in question is prepared to bring in remedial measure to help prevent flooding. JK reported that E A requires surveys to assess risk to other property and wildlife and environment. Permissions will not be granted fully until surveys are completed. Norfolk Rivers Trust also involved and have some of the data. Roger Atterwill suggested Clr Borrett be chased to investigate via County Council. (Chairman has done this prior to minutes being written). Discussion covered regular maintenance of rivers to remove build-up of silt would reduce the risk of flooding or raising of riverbanks. The flood alert warning system reported as inadequate, the council was approached for sands bags to which they dropped off 4 bags per house. Flood boards are from 2011 and are getting very warn and cannot handle scale of last flood. 11 houses need new flood boards – Roger Atterwill has noted this and will discuss with Breckland Council for more sandbags and boards.
Norfolk County Council needs to be made aware of the issue. JK will notify Councillor Borrett who is on the County Committee.
Trevor Woods has spoken to the residents of Holt Road – IDB, EA and Rivers Authority in an attempt to get some resolution.
Items to be added to the agenda of the Extra Ordinary Meeting:
Highways – 40mph signage on B1146 past Rabbit Foot Barn, has not resolved the speed issues. Not enough signage present traffic is not slowing.
Highways have been very helpful – however the costing for electronic signage is not in the budget. It was suggested that a SAM sign would be better as this can be moved to different spots, statics are collected and can be either downloaded or printed off and passed to the highways/police for further action.

Vattenfall Cable – Coming through the southern end of the Parish. Chairman has tried to persuade them to come through via Northall Green to reduce traffic and heavy goods through the village. Works likely to start Spring 2023.
Queen’s Jubilee – It was decided that at such short notice for members to Collaborate any activities for this event. It was suggested that a memorial could be placed in both villages to mark the occasion. JK offered to help with planting a tree to commemorate, with a plaque. Location TBA.
Roger Atterwill BDC. – addressed the meeting with a report from Breckland on the work they undertake during the year which included Covid Support, as well as their many normal duties. For note:
New Community Food Bus will be in Swanton Morley Village Hall every Tuesday from May onward.
He also wanted to draw the members attention to MoD planning for Robertson barracks 2029 onwards. This potentially could be for thousands of houses. The airfield being a brown field site makes this a much more attractive site for planning. Planning on this scale would need infrastructure to be viable, link roads would have to be installed for access to the A47 etc. All this could have a major impact on all the surrounding parishes and a coordinated response would be beneficial.
3. Treasurers Report
Treasurer presented her report to the meeting for the 12months to 31st March 2022 The Parish has still not been able to set up a separate Hall account – as there is no designated body to take responsibility. Discussion followed about forming Parish into a Council, not a meeting, so there would be a Corporate Body to take on this role. Roger Atterwill would seek advise from BDC. (It was noted this would also assist more regular meetings for feedback of planning matters etc)
The income for the 12 months was £3,243.10, consisting of precept, hires of the hall, and Repair Café income.
The expenses for the period were £2,321.00, consisting mainly of donations and insurances and memberships.
The format of the summary of accounts shared with the meeting shows income and expenditure split between “Parish” and “Hall”. The treasurer asked for comments – None were raised.
The balances for the period were split as follows; £3,523.39 for the Parish and £2,223.34 for the Hall. This split does not include £2,000 ring fenced for repairs to the hall which was agreed at October’s finance meeting.
Annual Governance and Accountability Return
In accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 we have completed the Annual Governance and Accountability Return.
3.1 Internal Audit report

An independent internal audit of the accounts has been carried out, and no discrepancies were found, and no queries were raised.
3.2 Annual Governance Statement
The Annual Governance Statement asks us to confirm that there is a sound system of internal control, including arrangements for the preparation of the Accounting Statements and that the accounting statements have been prepared in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.
Proposed – Dick Malt Seconded – Carl Watling
3.3 Accounting Statements
The Accounting Statements detail the income and expenditure for the year and show that at the 31st March 2022, the total value of cash is £5,747 which is the rounded-up figure of the net balance shown on the summary document provided earlier.
Proposed by – Dick Malt Seconded – Susan Malt
3.4 Exemption Certificate
As the gross annual income or expenditure for the Parish does not exceed £25,000 we are able to declare ourselves exempt from having to have a limited assurance review by the external auditor (for which there would be a cost of £240).
Our declaration is that the annual gross income for the Parish was £3,423 and the annual gross expenditure was £2,321 and that
• There is no Parish Council
• The Parish was in existence on 1st April 2017
• The external auditor did not raise any issues in relation to the 2020/2021
financial year
Proposed by – Dick Malt Seconded by – Phillip Stroulger
3.5 Exercise of Public Rights
The date of commencement for the exercise of public rights where the approved accounts and accounting records can be inspected will be 16th May 2022. and will be for a period of 30 consecutive working days. The contact details will be put on the hall notice board, and the website.
Chairman thanked the Treasurer for her report.

4. Hall report – There is no longer a committee for the hall.
The Hall needs a committee in order for the management of the Hall to continue
A new system has been suggested of either a CIO – Charitable Interest Organisation or CIC. Advise has be sort from the Community Action in Norfolk. Susan Malt has offered to honour existing bookings but will not take on any new bookings.
Failure to come up with a solution will result in the closure of the Hall. (See comments about possible parish Council in 3 Above)
5. Common Report
It has been reported that it has been a very slow process getting grazing animals onto the common this year. Hopefully Norfolk Horn & Shetland Sheep will be on this summer.
6. Election of officers has been postponed until the Extra ordinary meeting. Chairman James Keith has stood down and will not be standing for re-election.
The Chair thanked Roger Atterwill for his help and offering to chair the EGM. Meeting Closed 8.35pm.
Next Meeting TBA