On 20th May a meeting was held on the common with Kelly Powell of the Norfolk Archeological Unit to obtain advice about caring for the military practice trenches. It isn’t known whether they are First or Second World War.
Laura Chadwick, Dick Malt, Simon Brock, Neil Chadwick (Hawk & Owl Trust), Helen Baczkowska (Norfolk Wildlife Trust), Kelly Powell (Norfolk Archaeological Unit)
Following the advice to try to keep the banks clear of bracken we held two work parties on 28 & 29 May. Good progress was made on one of the two larger systems. Dead bracken was cut and barrowed out of the trenches. The Hawk & Owl Trust (Neil Chadwick) provided the tools and insurance and the volunteers were Christine & Danny Danson, Sue & Dick Malt, Ben Banks and Trevor Wood.
The zigzag pattern is revealed.
Trevor and Dick barrowing out the debris
Ben brushcutting
Neil raking up