Litter Pick 2018

Litter pick 2018

Over the last few years we have held a litter pick in our parishes at this time of the year.  It is universally acknowledged that our efforts make a big impact and as we usually have a very good response to a request for volunteers nobody has to cover a very large area. There is no lifting or bending required and we are supplied with insurance cover with safety and picking equipment by Breckland Council. The litter pick is carried out over three days and volunteers can chose to do their allocated area anytime to suit them.  At the conclusion bags of litter are left at the roadside for collection and we try to arrange a group photograph for the local press and our parish’s archive.

It is necessary for me to be available for all three days, for the equipment to be available over that time and the event to take place before the grass on the road verges starts to grow in the spring. Taking those things into account I have provisionally arranged things for 8th, 9th and 10th March which were the only suitable dates available.  Please let me know if you are willing to take part by 19th February which should allow me time to discover if the event is viable, organise the whole thing and let everybody know which road (or part of a road) they will be asked to clear. I am sorry there is not more notice but things have been rather busy and I had expected the equipment would be more readily available. There has however been a change to the system which limits the equipment’s accessibility.

 Trevor Wood (Parish chairman) Tel. 860326 or email.